
History/Social Sciences Instructional Materials Now Available for Review

California’s textbook adoption process is ready to take its next step forward – but first, the State Department of Education needs your input.

All of the History/Social Science instructional materials currently up for consideration are now available in Room 217, the Learning Resources Display Center (LRDC), on the second floor of Tomás Rivera Library. These materials are intended for use by elementary and middle school students, ranging from kindergarten through eighth grade.

“The LRDC provides a way for all interested parties to have some input into the textbook adoption process,” said Christopher Martone, UCR Library’s Coordinator of Education Services and one of the State Board-appointed reviewers for History/Social Sciences instructional materials.

“If you want to review any of the materials, you can make an appointment to meet Christopher in Education Services,” explained Christina Cicchetti, Education / Reference Librarian. “He will make the materials available for your review.”

This invitation is open not just to educators but also to interested students, faculty, staff, and community members. After reviewing the materials, patrons can submit their comments directly to the California State Department of Education by following these instructions.

“California has a network of Learning Resource Display Centers throughout the state,” Cicchetti added. “We serve Riverside County specifically, but anyone could come from anywhere to use our LRDC.”

Each LRDC can choose whether they want to display the materials while they are being reviewed, or only after the state's adoption has been approved.  In the inland southern California region, UCR Library's LRDC is the only one that has instructional materials currently under review. “The next closest LRDCs that have materials under consideration for adoption are in Ventura, Santa Barbara, or San Diego,” Cicchetti said. “San Bernardino County and Cal State Fullerton are post-adoption only.”

In addition to evaluating instructional materials during the review process, school district personnel can also come to the LRDC after the adoption has been finalized. They can review the wide variety of approved textbooks to determine which ones to use in their classrooms.