
One Day to Make a Difference

Save the date! On Tuesday, December 3, UC Riverside will host its second annual Day of Giving.

Day of Giving is a unique, online fundraising opportunity that lasts only 24 hours.

For Day of Giving 2019, the UCR Library will highlight these three funds:

There are two ways you can help.


Post on social media about the Day of Giving. Tag us (@ucrlibrary on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook) and include the hashtag #GivingTueUCR in your post, so we can interact with you. (Hint: Also tag some fellow Highlanders who love the library.)

You can use the “Share” buttons (above right) to share this story easily by email, Facebook or Twitter.


Make your gift early using the button below (scroll down to "Library Development Fund"). All charitable contributions are tax-deductible and will directly benefit everyone at UC Riverside who uses the UCR Library.