
Librarian featured as public speaking expert in national magazine

The UCR Library's Head of Metadata & Technical Services, Manuel Urrizola was recently highlighted as an expert on public speaking in American Libraries.

American Libraries is the flagship magazine of the American Library Association. Urrizola was quoted in an article called, "Boost Your Public Speaking Skills," written by Anne Ford.

The feature includes tips on how to speak confidently and effectively in front of an audience, conquering stage-fright, connecting with crowds, and how valuable strong presentation skills can be for professional development.

“Communication and leadership go hand in hand,” Urrizola said.

An 18-year member and eight-time Toastmasters District Contest First Place Champion, Urrizola currently serves as the Area Director for several clubs in Riverside. He has also won many public speaking awards throughout his career, including Toastmasters International Speech Contest First Place Champion for District 12, and the Toastmasters International Speech Contest Third Place Semifinal Champion 2013.

Each quarter, Urrizola leads public speaking workshops at UC Riverside for various on-campus groups, including the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (CHASS), the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences (CNAS), UCR Dining, Hospitality & Retail Services, the Associated Students Program Board, Inspiring R’Leaders, and the Mentoring Summer Research Internship Program (MSRIP). He also teaches “Elements of Communication” for undergraduate and graduate students in the department of Environmental Sciences (ENSC401 and ENSC191).

In upcoming quarters, Urrizola will also lead public speaking workshops in the Creat’R Lab in Orbach Library.