
Dedicated newspaper search now available

The UCR Library has been looking for ways to improve the user experience in the online catalog, particularly for patrons searching for newspapers.

The library is currently beta testing a dedicated Newspaper Search on the library's website, as a direct result of user feedback regarding difficulties in searching our newspaper content.

Patrons will see a Newspapers Search link:

  • In the top menu bar

  • In the Tweak Your Results side bar

  • And at the bottom of your brief search results

This feature gathers all of our online newspaper subscriptions in one easy-to-access location, without requiring multiple filters on the same search to float relevant records to the top.

The drawback is that digital newspaper results will no longer surface in the general Library Search; print collections will still appear.

If users are looking for online newspapers and articles, they must use the Newspapers Search interface.

We encourage patrons to share their feedback on this feature. Please email your suggestions to Jessica Kruppa, the Metadata and Discovery Librarian.