Greek Onomastics & Epigraphy
Located in: Tomás Rivera Library
The UCR Library offers an outstanding collection of resources for the study of Greek personal names (onomastics) and inscriptions (epigraphy). The library owns a complete set of the Lexicon of Greek Personal Names (LGPN), including its associated publications, which is the most complete source of documentation for all known ancient Greek personal names, drawn from many sources, including literature, inscriptions, graffiti, papyri, coins, vases and other artifacts. Our collection is further enhanced by Inscriptiones Graecae, which documents all known ancient Greek inscriptions.
The UCR Library’s online resources in this area include the Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum, which systematically collects newly published Greek inscriptions, and is the definitive online resource for Greek epigraphy. Additional online resources of note include Brill’s New Jacoby, the online version of Felix Jacoby’s Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker, the Thesaurus Linguae Greacae, and L’Annee Philologique.
Subject Areas
- Arts & Humanities
Related Resources
- Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum
- Lexicon of Greek Personal Names
- L’Année Philologique
- Inscriptiones Graecae
Carla Arbagey Collection Strategist for Arts & Humanities