
Borrowing Course Reserves

Students can borrow course reserves materials for short periods as an alternative to purchasing books. 

Course reserves are library materials requested by instructors to be set aside for students to borrow for a short loan period.  They can be physical or electronic materials which includes books, media, and PDF scans. 

How do I Find Course Reserves?

Look for course reserves in our catalog UC Library Search and use the Course Reserves filter to narrow the search by:

  1. Title of the book, film, etc. (e.g. Foundations of Business)
  2. Or Subject and Course Number (e.g. ENGL 001A, English 001A)
  3. Or Instructor Name (e.g. Schmitt)

Once you find the item you need, write down or take a screenshot of the call number (e.g. CT3262.I2 W47 2018).  Bring the call number to the Circulation/Reserves Desk with your R'Card to check out the material.

You can also watch this short video  to learn how to find course reserves (and see what call numbers are) directly from UC Library Search.

Note: If you are having trouble, try using the New Search filter in the catalog or ask a librarian.

Quick Facts
  • Most materials can be checked out for two hours, but some can be loaned up to 72 hours.
  • In-person renewals are allowed if the item is available.
  • You can book reserves in person up to one day in advance, including overnight checkout.
  • Overnight checkouts are available between 2-4 hours before closing, depending on the material's loan period.  Check library hours for closing times.
  • Although materials are free to borrow, fees start accumulating immediately for overdue material.
  • Return items at the circulation/reserves desk from which it was borrowed. If the library is closed, you may drop them off in the outside walk-up book return bin in front of the library from which they were borrowed. Course reserve material may not be returned to the drive-up book return bin in Lot 1 next to the emergency call box.
  • E-books may be available in our catalog UC Library Search and can be viewed by following the connect from off-campus instructions.
  • PDF scans and video streaming may be available directly through your course's Canvas page.  Contact your instructor with questions.