
GIS Day Poster Exhibition 2016

The University of California, Riverside Library will host a poster exhibition in celebration of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Day and Geography Awareness Week beginning on Thursday, Nov. 3.

The exhibition will remain on display in the atrium of Orbach Science Library until Tuesday, Nov. 22.

GIS Day, first established in 1999, provides an international forum for users of geographic information systems technology to demonstrate real-world applications that are making a difference in our society. This year, GIS Day is on Nov. 16, and Geography Awareness Week is from Nov. 13-19.

“This exhibition will demonstrate the variety of fields that use geospatial information, from the natural and social sciences and humanities to business, education, public policy, capital planning, government, and law enforcement,” said Janet Reyes, the UCR Library Geospatial Information Librarian, and the exhibition curator. “It will highlight GIS and other geospatial studies throughout UCR and in the community.”

Almost every academic department can use GIS data, Reyes said. “GIS is about the data you display, compare, or analyze on top of a basemap or imagery. You can show voting patterns, plants, animal habitats, poverty, immigration, demographic statistics, neighborhood crime rates, and so many other things.”

The entire UC Riverside community is welcome to provide a poster for this display. Posters that have been used, or will be used, at other events are acceptable. The deadline to sign up to display a poster is Friday, Oct. 28. To submit a poster to the exhibition, contact Janet Reyes ( or Margarita Yonezawa ( at the Orbach Science Library’s Map Collection, or call (951) 827-6423.

UCR professors are encouraged to bring their students to visit the exhibition for self-led tours.