
Director of Teaching and Learning releases her first book

UCR Library’s Director of Teaching and Learning, Dani Brecher Cook recently published her first book, Learner-Centered Pedagogy: Principles and Practice.

Cook co-wrote the book with Kevin Michael Klipfel, who also contributes to their shared blog, Rule Number One. “It was something we’ve talked about doing since library school,” Cook said of their collaboration.

Inspired by the research of the humanistic psychologist and educator Carl Rogers, the book presents an empathic approach to information literacy sessions, reference service, and outreach. It offers concrete, evidence-based practices to implement these ideas and to connect with learners at all levels.

“Most librarians who come out as credentialed MLSs don’t have a background in teaching, but when they come onto their job, a huge amount of their work is in teaching,” Cook explained. “We hope this book will help librarians who don’t necessarily have a background in education to put their students at the center of their work.”

At UCR Library, Cook’s primary responsibility is to provide teaching and learning services that support curricular and research activities of faculty, researchers, and students.

Learner-Centered Pedagogy: Principles and Practice is available for purchase at, the ALA store, and other online retailers.