
Research Services Workshops - Fall Quarter 2018

Each quarter, the UCR Library's Research Services department presents a series of workshops on a variety of subjects that benefit our students and faculty.

Below is the workshop schedule for fall quarter 2018:

Reference & Citation Managers - How to Choose
Wednesday, October 29
2:00 pm - 2:45 pm - Duration 45 min. 
Orbach 122
Working with a citation manager such as Zotero or EndNote will save you time, but which one should you choose? Come to this workshop to find out which citation manager will work best for your unique combination of needs such as: Which databases you search in, what software you use to write papers, how and where you want to store your papers and how much control you want over styles and formatting. We will look at Zotero, EndNote (online and desktop), Paperpile and Mendeley, and you will find out where to go for more information on each.

Introduction to GIS
Wednesday, November 7
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm - Duration 2 hours 
Orbach 122
Geographic information systems (GIS) are powerful tools for displaying and analyzing features on the earth’s surface. GIS is used extensively in academic and other settings.
This workshop is for anyone who is new to GIS or who needs a refresher about the basic principles and functions of a GIS. The workshop will focus on ArcGIS, the industry leader in software, but alternatives such as QGIS and Google Earth will also be discussed. Hands-on exercises and resources for further learning will be offered.

EndNote Desktop - Making Writing Easier
Thursday, November 8 - Week 6
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm 
- Duration 1.5 hours  
Orbach 122
If you are looking for a robust tool to help you manage your references and seamlessly create in-text citations and bibliographies, the full EndNote Desktop application might be for you. We will create and build libraries, search and sort records, study and alter styles and finish off with inserting sources into Word documents. Note: EndNote Desktop is not a free product, but it does offer some robust customization that might be invaluable to advanced researchers.

Trademark Basics for Entrepreneurs
Tuesday, November 13
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm - Duration 1 hour  
Orbach 122
The brand is pivotal to the success of any business. A trademark can help develop the brand loyalty of your goods/services among your customers. In this session, we will examine different kinds of trademarks, how they are created and protected in the US. We will also discuss the basics of the trademark application process. 


Zotero - Making Writing Easier
Wednesday, November 14
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
 - Duration 1 hour 
Orbach 122
Zotero is a free, easy-to-use tool that assists in gathering, organizing, and integrating sources into research papers. In this hands-on workshop, we will create libraries, import and organize citations from a variety of locations, and get started on writing some (pretend but awesome) papers. If you love painstakingly crafting an extensive reference list in flawless APA style, this workshop may not be for you.