
Library highlights the Creat'R Lab for UCR's Day of Giving

On Tuesday, November 27, UC Riverside will hold its 2018 online Day of Giving, and the UCR Library will be highlighting the Creat’R Lab Fund.

This is a unique, online fundraising opportunity that lasts only 24 hours, and we will need all the help we can get to spread the word about raising money for this inspiring and inclusive space in the Library. If you've never had a chance to visit, the Creat’R Lab is an open, inclusive makerspace where R’Students can create, collaborate and experience hands-on learning with emerging technologies.

There are two ways you can help:

Option one: You can share news on social media or by email to help us get the word out about Day of Giving and the Creat'R Lab in particular. Be sure to tag us (@ucrlibrary on InstagramTwitter or Facebook) and include the hashtags #GivingTueUCR and #CreatRLab in your post, so we can interact with you. It also helps if you tag a few friends who are UCR fans and who would like a place like the Creat'R Lab!

Use the buttons to the right to share easily by email, Facebook or Twitter.

Option two: Make a gift to support the Creat'R Lab using the button below. All gifts are tax-deductible and will directly benefit R'Students who use and love this engaging space!


We'll be broadcasting live from the Creat'R Lab on the Day of Giving from 9:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., so you can see short snippets of life in the lab and hear directly from our students just why they love this space. Please join us @ucrlibrary on InstagramTwitter or Facebook on November 27 to witness these stories as they unfold in real time.

We hope to inspire our Highlander community to join together and give back, to show their R’Side pride and make a gift that supports student success and empowers curiosity and innovation in the Creat’R Lab.
Would you consider making a gift on November 27? We’ll have 24 hours to give, and every gift makes a difference!

Year in Review Highlights

Learn how Gustavo Correa's vision has helped to shape the future of the Creat'R Lab.

UCR Cosplay Brigade relied heavily on Creat'R Lab space and resources to prepare for Geek On 2018.

Christos Kyriakopoulos used Creat'R Lab's 3D printer to make promotional materials for his research on earthquake faults.

Alumni Relations asked the Creat'R Lab to make miniatures of several UCR campus icons, for use at events nationwide.

The National Science Foundation's I-Corps Startups for Innovators program partnered with Creat'R Lab to mentor aspiring entrepreneurs.

The Riverside Art Museum allowed kids to conduct archaeological “digs” using 3D-printed replicas of Mesoamerican artifacts.