
WEPA Public Printing System adopted campuswide

The WEPA public printing system has been successfully implemented at the Orbach and Rivera Libraries, and the system has been adopted campuswide.

With the successful implementation of WEPA public printing, the UCR Library's Cyberinfrastructure department began to decommission the legacy Pharos/Xerox Public Printing system at the end of fall quarter 2018.

They estimate completion of the following decommissioning steps by the end of the winter quarter 2019:

  • Installation of a WEPA public printer in the Music Library as a replacement for the existing Pharos/Xerox public printer, and removal of all but one Pharos/Xerox public printer from each library – Orbach, Rivera, and Music. 
  • Pharos print driver software will be removed from all public computers. After the print driver removal, the remaining Pharos/Xerox public printers will be removed.
  • A new payment processing system will be implemented for large-format (poster) printing.
  • The Pharos public printing server will be formally shut down.

If you have any questions, please contact project lead Barry Harvey.

Alternatively, you may always contact the Library Helpdesk.