
Latest News for February 14th, 2019

Poster Printing has moved to the first floor of Orbach Library

Poster Printing services has moved to the first floor of the Orbach Science Library, room 121. Services are limited to academic material only. The only payments accepted are Bear Bucks or department recharge. Walk-in hours: Mornings: Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Afternoons: Thursday - Friday, 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Complete information...

Reflecting on our history for UC Riverside's 65th Anniversary

Here are a few highlights from University Archives that showcase some fun facts and figures, in honor of the 65 th anniversary of UC Riverside. Establishment The Riverside Citrus Experiment Station opened for business on February 14, 1907, but UC Riverside did not become a university until February 15, 1954 – 47 years and one...

Reflecting on our history for UC Riverside's 65th Anniversary

Here are a few highlights from University Archives that showcase some fun facts and figures, in honor of the 65 th anniversary of UC Riverside. Establishment The Riverside Citrus Experiment Station opened for business on February 14, 1907, but UC Riverside did not become a university until February 15, 1954 – 47 years and one...