
Latest News for April 10th, 2020

Online access to UCR's books & more during COVID-19 closure

Need a book for your research, but can't physically get it from the UCR Library buildings due to the COVID-19 closure? We have a solution! Until Sept. 7, 2021, UCR faculty, researchers and students can get many of the books they need online through the HathiTrust Emergency Temporary Access Service (ETAS), which grants lawful access...

Remote library services and resources offered during the COVID-19 closure

Despite the closure of the physical campus buildings, the UCR Library staff remain ready to support UC Riverside students, faculty, and researchers during our first-ever all virtual quarter. What does this mean for you? The majority of library services such as Interlibrary Loan (ILL), course reserves, teaching and research support,, workshops, consultations, and other public...