
Hands-On Learning Drives Success at Robotics Camp

Our month-long Robotics Camp gave around 20 undergrads a rare opportunity to build and program robots, providing valuable practical experience.

The UCR Library’s first robotics camp for undergraduates, led by Maker Services Coordinator Brendon Wheeler and Innovative Media Librarian Alvaro Alvarez, wrapped up on July 16.

The camp’s focus on hands-on learning was a hit. "The highlight for most was assembling the robots," Alvaro said. Using the SunFounder Raspberry Pi Kit, students built robots that looked like small race cars, complete with sensors and a Raspberry Pi controller. "Seeing the code in action made them think about new ways to use the robots," Brendon added.

The diverse backgrounds of the students, ranging from art to physics to various other disciplines, added depth to the learning experience. “They collaborated with new people and built friendships, which I think helped them complete the project,” Alvaro said. 

Student feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing interest in exploring advanced topics like soldering and 3D modeling in future camps. “This was a great introduction to coding, and we’re excited the students seemed to enjoy it,” Brendon said.

Looking ahead, Brendon and Alvaro plan to build on this year’s success. Ideas include expanding the curriculum to include projects like race cars that use sensors to navigate through a race track, with a race as the final event. "We’re already refining the program for next year," Brendon said. "We’ll keep advanced elements like computer vision and AI, which we had this time around, but we want to make sure the experience is accessible to all skill levels."

The camp also introduced students to the UCR Libray’s Robotics Lab and Creat’R Lab. "Now they know they can use these facilities for their own projects," Alvaro said, noting that these labs are open to all members of the UCR community. 

The camp ended with a ceremony where students earned LinkedIn badges to showcase their new skills. "They even connected with each other on LinkedIn, which was great to see," Alvaro said. With plans for a Robotics Camp next year already underway, this year’s camp set a strong foundation for future innovation at UCR.