
Grant Support

The UCR Library is an active participant in getting grants for the University and its researchers.

The campus-wide Proposal Development Collaborative Group includes a librarian who coordinates information for research grant proposals about library services supporting data management, open access, proposal development, and funder requirements.

Research Data Consultations

Data management plans are becoming a standard requirement for grant proposals. You can consult with a librarian for assistance creating data management plans, finding and acquiring data sets, finding appropriate data repositories, and how to use Dryad, the institutional data repository available to UCR researchers.

Dryad Data Repository

UC Riverside Library supports Dryad, an open-source, research data curation and publication platform. UC Riverside is a proud partner of Dryad and offers Dryad as a free service for all UC Riverside researchers to publish and archive their data.

It is designed to be a simple tool for researchers to archive and share their datasets, while fulfilling funder requirements. Datasets published in Dryad receive a citation and can be versioned at any time.

All records created in Dryad are searchable; indexed in Data Citation Index (SM), Scopus, and Google Dataset Search; and provided a unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Dryad may be used as a permanent archive with stable URLs.