Professor Paul Chou Collection
Located in: Tomás Rivera Library
Paul Chou (1914-2000), chemist, teacher, and book collector, was born in Qingdao, educated at Peking University, and had a life-long love of Chinese literature and history. His collection of 2,455 volumes was given to the UCR Library in 2004 by his daughter, Huiping Cheng.
Highlights of the collection:
- Si Ku Quan Shu 景印文淵閣四庫全書 (Complete Collection of Four Literary Branches), compiled between 1773 and 1782, in 1,501 volumes. Also available online http://scotty.ucr.edu/record=b3683320~S5
- Wan Wei Bie Cang 宛委別藏 / (清) 阮元 輯 (Another Collection from Wan Wei), in 120 volumes, supplementing Si Ku Quan Shu, compiled between 1821 and 1850. There are no more than five copies of this set in the United States
- Si Bu Cong Kan 四部叢刊 (Collectanea of Four Literary Branches), in 150 volumes
- Ce Fu Yuan Gui 冊府元龜 / (宋)王欽若、楊億等撰 (The Library of Big Turtle), in 20 volumes
- Er Shi Wu Shi 二十五史 (Histories of 25 Dynasties), in 150 volumes
- Gu Jin Tu Shu Ji Cheng 古今圖書集成 / (清) 陳夢雷 編 (Collection of Books from Past to Present), in 79 volumes, also translated as Chinese Encyclopedia
- Bai Hua Zhongguo Gu Dian Xiao Shuo Da Xi 白話中國古典小説大系 (The Collectanea of Chinese Classical Fictions in Vernacular), in 72 volumes
- Da Qing Li Chao Shi Lu 大清歷朝實錄 (The Collectanea of Court Documents of Qing Dynasty), in 94 volumes
- Shi Ji Xin Jiao Zhu Gao 史記新校注稿 (The New Annotated Historical Records), in 12 volumes
- Mo Hai Jin Hu 墨海金壺, a classic novel, in 36 volumes