We are excited to share that the UCR Library has fully implemented OpenAthens, a new and improved way to access library resources from off-campus!
OpenAthens is available in addition to the existing GlobalProtect VPN, giving you more flexibility in how you connect.
What is OpenAthens?
OpenAthens is an identity management platform that ensures fast, seamless, and secure access to the UCR Library’s licensed resources. Integrated with our Central Authentication Service (CAS), OpenAthens lets you log in using your UCR NetID and password—no extra steps needed.
What Has Changed?
- Simplified Access: Use your UCR NetID and password to log in to your library account, which will also start an OpenAthens session.
- One-Time Authentication: With OpenAthens, you only need to sign in once per session for uninterrupted access—no more concerns about dropped VPN connections!
- Faster Browsing: Experience quicker page and content loading compared to VPN.
GlobalProtect VPN and On-Site Access
OpenAthens is the preferred method for off-campus access to library resources. However, we will continue to support IP address authentication and there will be no changes to the way you access resources on-site. The VPN will remain an option for off-campus access.
How Can I Start Using OpenAthens?
There are several ways to use OpenAthens:
- Start with UC Library Search (the library catalog):
- Go to UC Library Search and select “Connect from off-campus” when prompted, or use the Sign In link at the top right. This will sign you into both your library account and OpenAthens.
- Sign in at a publisher or resource page
- Look for Sign in Through My Institution, Sign in via OpenAthens, or similar on your favorite resource page. Search for “Riverside” to find UCR, then choose “University of California Riverside Library” from the OpenAthens screen, if prompted.
- Direct Links
- Access a resource directly, like JSTOR, using an “Athenized” link: JSTOR via OpenAthens. Want to create your own links to licensed resources for use in your syllabus or Canvas? You can Athenize your links with the OpenAthens Link Generator.
More Information
Please note that a small number of resources are not accessible using OpenAthens. Please continue to use the GlobalProtect VPN for the following:
- China Knowledge Resource Integrated Database (CNKI)
- Rafu Shimpo digital archive via EastView
For more information, please see our Connect from Off-Campus page and our OpenAthens FAQ.
We’re confident that OpenAthens will enhance your research experience, offering easier, faster, and more reliable access to the resources you need.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to colldev@ucr.edu.