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Art and Beauty as Political Activism: The Social Impact of a Book

Professor Emeritus Ronald H. Chilcote has transformed art and natural beauty into political activism. With a long-standing love of nature and landscape photography, Chilcote has combined the two passions into a project that has raised millions of dollars to preserve hundreds of thousands of acres of wilderness. “I’ve always been a photographer, but really started...

Krista Ivy Shares California Citrus History at LA Nature Fest

On Saturday and Sunday, March 18-19, Reference/Instruction Librarian Krista Ivy represented the UCR Library at LA Nature Fest. Presented by the LA Natural History Museum, LA Nature Fest welcomed more than 30 exhibitors and 7,600 visitors to their Nature Gardens for the festival. Activities included live animal presentations, nature walks, stage performances, nature crafts, bird...

Library Welcomes New Business Systems Analyst

UCR Library is pleased to welcome Ramon Barcia as the library’s Business Systems Analyst. Ramon will be working as part of the Library Cyberinfrastructure team, with a primary focus on Integrated Library Management Systems (ILMS). Ramon has over a decade of experience performing challenging business systems analysis and project management in the healthcare industry. He...

5 Ways to Make a Difference on World Water Day

One year ago, 99.57% of California exhibited “abnormally dry” conditions, and 55.31% of the state had “extreme drought” intensity. Today, those numbers have fallen to 23.46% and 0%, respectively. While California’s drought statistics have improved temporarily due to increased precipitation this past year, water conditions in other parts of the world still have a long...

Orbach Library Welcomes New Access Services Desk Assistant

UCR Library is delighted to announce that Sabrina Simmons has joined the library as our Access Services Desk Assistant – Orbach, effective March 13, 2017. Sabrina will be located in Circulation/Course Reserves on the first floor of the Orbach Science Library, reporting to Elisha Hankins, Access Services Desk Supervisor. Sabrina earned her BS in Dietetics...

Finals Week Stress Relief: Winter 2017 Event Series

It’s hard to believe that Winter Quarter 2017 is already drawing to a close, but suddenly we find ourselves with Finals Week only days away. UCR Library is committed to creating a supportive atmosphere for our students, and final exams can tend to breed a lot of stress. That is why we present our Finals...

Rivera Library Adds Gender-Inclusive Restroom

When the hashtag #UCRStandsTogether appeared on social media last month, the UCR Library joined in solidarity with other UC Riverside departments to demonstrate our commitment to inclusiveness and appreciation of diversity. The latest addition to our library facilities reinforces our commitment to those values. A gender-inclusive restroom has been added to the second floor of...

Rivera Library Welcomes New Access Services Desk Assistant

UCR Library is delighted to announce that Raul Aguilera has joined the UCR Library team effective today, March 6, 2017 as our Access Services Desk Assistant - Rivera. Raul will be located in Circulation/Course Reserves on the first floor of the Rivera Library, reporting to Leslie Settle, Circulation Services Desk Supervisor. Raul earned his BA...

Artists' Books: A Feast for the Senses

Vamp & Tramp Booksellers Bill and Vicky Stewart put as many miles on their minivan each year touring the country to share their love of artists’ books as the average person racks up in his daily work commute. Birmingham, Alabama is where Bill and Vicky call home, yet they spend nearly 11 months on the...

Underground Printers Changed History

January 2017 saw the release of Duplicator Underground: The Independent Publishing Industry in Communist Poland, 1976-89 (Slavica Publishers), edited by UCR Deputy University Librarian Ann Frenkel, retired UCR Librarian Gwido Zlatkes, and Polish historian Paweł Sowiński. The book is the first comprehensive scholarly discussion in English of Polish independent publishing in the 1970s and 1980s...

Che’s Village – Virtual Reality to Stimulate Critical Thinking

UC Riverside’s Associate Professor of History Juliette Levy likes to teach from the edge of the e-learning revolution. Her latest experiment involved a virtual reality (VR) platform intended to stimulate intellectual learning on an emotional level for the students in her History 20 / World History course. Dr. Levy co-created a VR application called “Che’s...

Library Network Outage Scheduled for Friday, February 24

On Friday, February 24, 2017, library online services will have intermittent network outages f rom 6:15 pm - 8:15 pm. After the Library closes at 6:00 pm on that date, UCR Network Operations in collaboration with a member of the library's Cyberinfrastructure team will perform additional optimization work on the library’s network routers. This optimization...

Camaraderie, Pizza, and 21,000 Comic Books

Many hands make for light work – and when the job is sorting more than 21,000 comic books, you need a lot of hands. Jim Clark, Head of the Database Management and Authority Control Unit, and Erika Quintana, Acquisitions Unit Supervisor were tagged as team leaders and charged with tackling the project of sorting 142...

Christopher Martone Chosen as California Instructional Materials Reviewer

Many people grumble over their inability to effect change. However, UCR Library’s Coordinator of Education Services Christopher Martone will serve on a team of influencers to determine which textbooks are used throughout California’s elementary and middle schools. Recently selected as an Instructional Materials Reviewer by the California State Department of Education and appointed to the...

Temporary Outage of Library Online Services Scheduled

F rom 6:15 pm-7:15 pm on Friday, February 10, 2017, all library online services will be temporarily unavailable due to routine network maintenance. After the Library closes at 6:00 pm, UCR Network Operations in collaboration with a member of the library's Cyberinfrastructure team will perform routine maintenance on the library’s network routers. During this period...

Executive Assistant to the University Librarian

UCR Library is pleased to announce that the Executive Assistant to the University Librarian position was offered to Terri Gutierrez, and she has accepted. Her new title will be effective beginning February 1, 2017. We appreciate the superior political acumen, efficiency, and effectiveness that Terri brings to this position. Terri first joined the library in...

Meet Library Student Employees Who Are “Living the Promise”: Victoria Scott

Most 16 year-olds are taking the SAT and starting to apply to colleges. Victoria Scott is already living the dream as a first-year student here at UC Riverside. The youngest of three children raised by a single mother in Berkeley, California, Victoria showed academic promise very early in life. “I went straight from preschool to...

Library, IT and Faculty Task Force Launches Affordable Course Materials Initiative

The cost of higher education creeps higher every year, and a UCR task force felt that students should never have to choose between eating and buying textbooks. A team of UC Riverside faculty, librarians, and information technology professionals joined forces to provide some incentives to make textbooks less costly. Their intention was to bridge the...

UK Theatre Playbill Features “Zapatistas” Photo

William Shakespeare may never have envisioned his “Much Ado About Nothing” heroine Beatrice quite like this, but a UK-based design firm did. Cherry Williams, UCR Library’s Director of Distinctive Collections received a request from the firm Stylorouge Ltd. for an image of Mexican Soldaderas from our Battle of Ciudad Juarez photograph collection in Special Collections...

Living the Promise Symposia

Join us as we examine the academic themes of Living the Promise: The Campaign for UC Riverside, and how UCR is impacting our community, our nation, and our world, and how you are part of it all. Living the Promise Symposia are a yearlong series that will reflect on the key themes of UCR’s comprehensive...