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PolicyMap Now Available to Library Patrons

UCR Library has now made the PolicyMap data and mapping application available to patrons. PolicyMap contains data for the United States at various levels of geographic detail. Topics include demographics, income, quality of life, real estate, and education. Over 150 authoritative public and proprietary sources generate the data. Among other features, PolicyMap allows users to...

Improved OneSearch Functionality on Library Website

In fall quarter 2016, a small task force convened to evaluate UCR Library’s single search (“OneSearch”) on the website homepage and make recommendations to improve user experience. This week, the library implemented the first round of suggested changes. When you now conduct a search, you will notice the following: • Drag-and-drop functionality allows you to...

Inauguration Week Activities

As with the previous two U.S. presidential inaugurations, the UCR Library will livestream the swearing-in ceremony and inaugural address of the 45 th President of the United States. If you would like to engage further in discussions about the current climate in Washington D.C., U.S. Congressman Mark Takano (D‐Riverside) will visit campus on Tuesday, January...

Books the Size of Your Fingernail

Bring your best pair of reading glasses – you’ll need them. The University of California, Riverside Library will host “The Magic of Miniature Books” exhibit Jan. 18 through March 30. “Miniature books have a long and interesting history, with the earliest miniatures created approximately 4,000 years ago in Mesopotamia,” said Cherry Williams, the director of...

Alexander Street Press Streaming Video Trial

UCR Library is currently running a patron-driven acquisition pilot program for the expanded collection of Alexander Street Press streaming videos. With Alexander Street Press videos, library users can create clips and playlists, quote directly from the video transcript, and discover new content for use in teaching and research. With this resource, UCR Library can provide...

Robin M. Katz receives James Harvey Robinson Prize from AHA

UCR Library is proud to congratulate our Outreach & Public Services Librarian, Robin M. Katz for receiving the James Harvey Robinson Prize from the American Historical Association. The James Harvey Robinson Prize is awarded to the creators of a teaching aid that has made the most outstanding contribution to the teaching and learning of history...

Glad Giving at UCR Library

The holiday season tends to inspire a spirit of giving and goodwill. Access Services Desk Supervisor Leslie Settle has discovered a way to extend that magnanimous feeling throughout the whole year. It began five years ago, when Leslie first heard about the Guardian Scholars Program during a Staff Assembly. “I recognized one of the students...

Things to Try in the New Year at UCR Library

Here are some suggestions from the library team for new things to try in 2017 that you might not have known you could do at UCR Library, or that you may never have tried before. They might even make you feel like a kid in a candy store. Explore Rare Treasures in Special Collections &...

Science Fiction Librarian Contributes to New Book

Our Jay Kay and Doris Klein Librarian for Science Fiction, JJ Jacobson recently contributed a chapter to a book titled, Teaching and Learning in Virtual Environments: Archives, Museums, and Libraries. JJ’s chapter, Crowdsourcing the Fictive Experience: Virtual-World Emergent Narrative from a Collections Perspective, is about the practice of Immersive Interactive Improvisatory Narrative, or IIIN. “It’s...

New Financial Services Analyst

UCR Library is pleased to announce that Nicole Valencia has accepted the Financial Services Analyst position in Library Administration. Nicole will transition from her temporary role to a permanent UCR employee on Monday, December 19. Nicole has over twenty years of experience working in accounts payable, accounts receivable, billing, purchasing, cashiering and collections in higher...

New Digitization Project Coordinator

UCR Library is pleased to announce that Kimberlee Frederick has accepted the Digitization Project Coordinator position in Collection Maintenance. Kimberlee transitioned from her role as Circulation/Course Reserves Assistant on December 12, 2016. As the Digitization Project Coordinator, Kimberlee took over the day-to-day management of the student employees and workflows for the Google and Federal Documents...

Japanese Hip-Hop Collection used in Music Course

On Tuesday, November 29, 2016, students of the Music Department’s debut course “Genealogy of Hip-Hop” became the first to use UCR Library’s new Dexter Thomas Japanese Hip-Hop Collection. Dani Brecher Cook, Director of Teaching & Learning at UCR Library, collaborated with Dr. Liz Przybylski, Assistant Professor of Ethnomusicology to make this new archive available for...

The Finals Countdown at Access Services Conference 2016

On Friday, November 18, UCR Library team members Elisha Hankins and Sahra Missaghieh Klawitter were the closing speakers at the 2016 Access Services Conference. Their presentation title was: It’s The Finals Countdown – Finals Week Stress Relief Programming at the UCR Library. The 2016 Access Services Conference theme was “Unlocking the 21 st Century Library.”...

Library Team Presents at Homecoming Panel

Three UCR Library employees presented as part of a Homecoming panel at the Campus Showcase Exhibit – Working on Campus on Saturday, November 19, 2016. Library Human Resources Generalist Wendy Williams-Clark spoke as part of the employers panel, and members of the student employee panel included library student assistants Mohammed Jawara, a Political Science Law...

Expanded Library Hours During Finals Week

Orbach Library and Rivera Library will have expanded schedules during fall quarter finals week. Library Hours: Orbach Library will be open for 24-hours beginning at 7:30 AM on Wednesday, November 30 and ending at midnight on Thursday, December 8. Rivera Library will remain open until 2:00 AM each day from Friday, December 2 through Wednesday...

Finals Week Stress Relief - Fall 2016

It’s hard to believe that Fall Quarter 2016 is already drawing to a close, but suddenly we find ourselves with Finals Week only days away. UCR Library is committed to creating a supportive atmosphere for our students, and final exams can tend to breed a lot of stress. That is why we present our Finals...

George Brown Papers Now Open for Research

On Thursday, November 17, 2016, UCR Library announced the opening of the George Brown Papers for scholarly research. A private reception held on the first floor of Tomás Rivera Library honored Congressman George Brown’s life and work and recognized how his legacy will continue to serve future generations through this collection. Attendees included Brown’s widow...

UCR Yearbooks Available Online

UCR Library had a timely contribution to this year's Homecoming activities: UC Riverside yearbooks are now available online via Calisphere. The yearbooks were prepared and digitized by staff of the Library’s Special Collections & University Archives, Preservation, and Metadata and Technical Services departments. “UCR’s student yearbooks are a significant historical resource that provides the campus...

Our Role and Position as a Library Post-Election

Last week, we saw an election unlike anything that any of us alive today could have imagined even a few years ago. Some have used the rhetoric that emerged during the campaign and afterward as a legitimization for disrespectful speech and violent action towards those that they do not understand and therefore fear. As one...

"Orange Roots" Offers a Juicy Slice of UCR History

On the afternoon of Thursday, November 10, 2016, UCR Library celebrated the opening of a new exhibition, titled, “Orange Roots: The Remarkable Story of Two Trees, a Pioneer Town, and the University of California, Riverside.” The reception featured a presentation by Riverside native and Distinguished Professor of Creative Writing Susan Straight, who shared a magical...