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GIS Day Poster Exhibit Showcases Diverse Data

UCR Library’s GIS Day Poster Exhibition opened on Thursday, November 3, 2016 in the atrium of Orbach Science Library, showcasing the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The 2016 display includes submissions from a diverse variety of contributors, including external community agencies as well as faculty, staff, and students of UC Riverside. “I was really...

Library Welcomes New Digital Assets Metadata Librarian

UCR Library is pleased to announce that Noah Geraci has joined our team as the Digital Assets Metadata Librarian. Noah is part of the Metadata & Technical Services Department reporting to Manuel Urrizola. In this exciting new position, Noah will participate in digital initiatives and metadata projects across all library departments. Noah received his Bachelor...

Meet Library Student Employees Who Are "Living the Promise": Hayden Jackson

Hayden Jackson is a third-year Political Science major with a minor in Statistics. He’s also a first-generation university student from Ripon, California and the eldest of three children. “UCR kind of found me, rather than the other way around,” Hayden explained. “When I stepped on campus at UCR, it just felt right. My counselors said...

Rivera Welcomes New Business Librarian

UCR Library is pleased to welcome a new Business Librarian Swati Bhattacharyya to the Rivera Reference team. Swati joins us from the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, where she has led the business school’s library since 1994. She holds a Ph.D. and a Master’s degree in information studies and technology from Syracuse University, a Master’s...

Library Human Resources Welcomes New HR Analyst

UCR Library is pleased to announce that Danielle Sanders has joined the Library Human Resources (LHR) team as the HR Analyst. Danielle holds her Bachelor of Science degree in business administration – management and human resources. She most recently served as a Human Resources Manager at Cal Poly Pomona before joining the University Library as...

Day of the Dead Program in Rivera Library

On the morning of Thursday, October 27, 2016, a collaboration between UC Riverside and the Smithsonian Latino Center Live Mobile Broadcast series brought a special Day of the Dead-themed program to Tomás Rivera Library. Smithsonian Latino Center’s Digital Curator and Content Specialist and Assistant Professor in UCR's Department of Music, Dr. Xochitl Chavez co-presented with...

Library Administration Welcomes New Communications Specialist

UCR Library is delighted to share that Melanie Ramiro has joined the Library Administration team as our Communications Specialist. Melanie holds a BA in International Relations from Stanford University. She has over 15 years of experience as a communications and marketing professional in corporate, non-profit and academic environments. She has experience with brand development and...

International Open Access Week 2016

The University of California, Riverside Library hosted International Open Access Week 2016, an event that was part of a global effort called Open Access Week. Open Access Week is an opportunity for the academic and research community to learn about the potential benefits of sharing what they’ve learned with colleagues, and to help inspire wider...

2016 AACA Board Meeting

The African American Collections Advisory Board held its second Annual Meeting at Raymond L. Orbach Science Library on Saturday, October 22, 2016 University Librarian Steven Mandeville-Gamble and Associate University Librarian for Collections & Scholarly Communication Alison Scott welcomed AACA Board members and special guests at the start of the meeting. The full-day program included panels...

How UCR Library Is "Living the Promise"

At noon on Thursday, October 13, UC Riverside launched the kick-off for Living the Promise: The Campaign for UC Riverside at UCR’s iconic bell tower. This comprehensive campaign is the first of its kind for the University of California, Riverside, with a target completion date in the year 2020. A week of celebratory events followed...

Final Presidential Debate Broadcast in Orbach Lobby

Orbach Science Library will broadcast the third and final Presidential Debate from 6-7:30 PM on October 19, 2016. All UC Riverside students, staff, and faculty are welcome to watch the debate together with their friends and colleagues in the lobby area.

GIS Day Poster Exhibition 2016

The University of California, Riverside Library will host a poster exhibition in celebration of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Day and Geography Awareness Week beginning on Thursday, Nov. 3. The exhibition will remain on display in the atrium of Orbach Science Library until Tuesday, Nov. 22. GIS Day, first established in 1999, provides an international forum...

Frontier Life Database Trial

UCR Library has made the Frontier Life database available on a trial basis until December 15, 2016. Frontier Life contains digital documents including letters, diaries, maps, newspaper articles, and other primary sources. These would be excellent resources for students, faculty, and researchers of history, women’s studies, gender and sexuality studies, and more. The Library’s Electronic...

The Essential 2016 Election Guide

The UCR Library staff has curated a 2016 Election LibGuide to help you prepare for election day on Tuesday, November 8. This LibGuide features a list of parties and candidates, important dates, such as the Presidential Debates schedule, deadline to register to vote, and more. It also includes links to the Application for a California...

UCR Library Team Presents at NDLC 2016

Five UCR librarians presented at the National Diversity in Libraries Conference (NDLC) this August, including Judy Lee, Kent LaCombe, Stephanie Milner, Melissa Cardenas-Dow, and Julie Mason. “Bridges of Inclusion” was the theme of the 2016 NDLC conference, which was presented by the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) and UCLA Library. UCR Library was also one...

Find Books Faster with StackMap

This summer, UCR Library installed StackMap, an indoor mapping application to help students, faculty and staff locate library resources with greater ease and speed. The library also now includes row numbers on range guides, which correspond to those shown on the maps created by StackMap. Additional benefits of StackMap include reduced paper waste, increased privacy...

Orange Roots Exhibition to Celebrate Riverside’s Citrus Heritage

UCR Library will open a new exhibition on Monday, Oct. 24, titled, “Orange Roots: The Remarkable Story of Two Trees, a Pioneer Town, and the University of California, Riverside.” The exhibition will be located at the Tomás Rivera Library, and will be on display through June 2017. A welcome reception in honor of the exhibition’s...

Ann Frenkel Is Now Deputy University Librarian

Effective September 12, 2016, Ann Frenkel will be taking on the title of Deputy University Librarian for the UCR Library. In this role, Ann will exercise leadership, oversight of operations, and activities associated with promoting and ensuring overall UCR Library effectiveness, which will position the UCR Library for continued success. Ann will serve as the...

Multimedia Collection Moved to Rivera Library

The Multimedia Library has closed, effective 6:00 pm on Friday, September 9, 2016. The materials and services formerly in the Multimedia Library are being moved to the Rivera Library and will be available to library users starting on Monday, September 19. The first floor of Rivera Library will house most media titles in open stacks...

500 Years of Utopia Exhibit Opens

A new exhibit opened in Special Collections & University Archives, which commemorates the 500th anniversary of Thomas More’s Utopia. More's book led to a proliferation of utopian fiction in the Western world. Utopias usually critique the politics of the author’s time and imagine what a better society might look like. Many utopias sparked social movements...